At First A winning rub to .............

Learn to listen opportunity some time knocks very softly

about ME

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LUCKNOW, U.P., India
I individually, a man, a son, a brother, a lover, an Indian, part of the Human race. I am an average person who is at peace with his imperfections and mediocrity. I work hard but not when I stop enjoying it. I am honest to myself. I am happy. I just want to explore my own skills and potentials. And justify these and the one life given to me by God and my parents

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Learn to Love Your Body

Learn to Love Your Body
Vacation season brings dreams of faraway beaches, exotic romances and languorous days by the pool. But it can also bring tremors of panic about stripping off layers of clothes. If baring your body gives you waves of fear and embarrassment, then clearly you need to get to work on your self-esteem.

You don’t have to drop pounds or go relentlessly to the gym -- you just need to feel good about yourself. If you love your body, it will give off a vibrant glow and you won’t care about what’s not absolutely perfect.

Taurus can veer to the slightly rounded due to their indulgences, but are perfectly content within their frame and don’t care too much what anyone else thinks.

Virgo can be prudish at least on the surface so tends to cover over rather than throw caution to the winds. But when chivvied into relaxing they can be true to their earthy animal nature.

Likewise, Capricorn who can be uptight so needs some persuading to unwind and be bold about their bodies. But once pushed onto the right track they can be almost more sensuous than Taurus.

For outright sensuality, there’s no sign like Scorpio but they’re not ones who relish too much open exposure. They know their body is the vehicle to transcendental bliss so they don’t need too many lessons in loving their physical frame.

Then there are the adventurous signs -- Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius –- who are not innately connected to their bodies but they also don’t care what others think. So they’ll flaunt, flirt and frolic around quite happily. Sagittarius and Aries do, however, need to watch out for sunburn since they don’t have common sense about how much they can take. They’ll also be more likely to expect their bodies to take on superhuman powers and trip themselves up.

Leo, Cancer and Libra can be a touch too self-conscious to enjoy full exposure. They care about approval, so tend to pore over their supposed physical imperfections and wince. They need to wise up and look around. They’re in better shape than most since they do make the effort to stay streamlined. Of the three, Leo is perhaps the most out of touch with their body’s needs. Even when they learn to love it, they still need to understand what it would like in terms of sensible food and Sun.

Aquarius and Pisces are probably the least physical signs in the zodiac. Aquarius is too up in its head and really doesn’t want to descend into the realm of the flesh more than necessary. Pisces is lost in its movie world of daydreams and knows it doesn’t match up to airbrushed perfection. For both, it will take an effort of will and a good deal of faith to move themselves fully into their body. But like anything else, with effort even they can do it.

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