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Learn to listen opportunity some time knocks very softly

about ME

My photo
LUCKNOW, U.P., India
I individually, a man, a son, a brother, a lover, an Indian, part of the Human race. I am an average person who is at peace with his imperfections and mediocrity. I work hard but not when I stop enjoying it. I am honest to myself. I am happy. I just want to explore my own skills and potentials. And justify these and the one life given to me by God and my parents

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Perfect Honeymoon Getaway for You

The Perfect Honeymoon Getaway for You
You’re getting married and now you get to go on vacation with your best friend in the entire world. The world is your oyster … so where are you going to go? Here are some tips by Sun sign on how to make yours a honeymoon from heaven!

Adventure of a Lifetime
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

It has been said that you fall more deeply in love with someone if you live through a harrowing experience together. Making your heart race releases all sorts of chemicals in your brain – the same kind associated with loving someone. Fire signs need this kind of stimulation and adventure to keep the spark alive. Set yourselves up for success and do something that will wake you up. African Safari? Surfing in Costa Rica? Maybe white water rafting on the Colorado River –- you get the idea.

Romantic Journey to Wine Country
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Earth signs want to feel the ground under their feet. These women, while luxury-loving many of them, also benefit from the scent of fresh air and are not afraid of a little dirt. Napa, Sonoma and the California central coast are amazingly romantic choices for Taurus, Virgo and Cap. It won’t necessarily break the bank (great for practical Earth signs) as there are affordable ways to sip your way through the yellowy, sunset glimmer of a California vineyard.

Hit the Beach and Just Chill
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Water signs are strongly pulled to the ocean. They find absolute renewal and bliss sitting on a warm beach and listening to the sound of the tides. It’s as if their heart beats in time with the rhythm of the sea. Fiji or Bora-Bora would be perfect for these folks. If the wedding has your funds, the Florida Keys, Caribbean and Hawaiian islands are all amazing alternatives.

European Escape
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

You need to be intellectually stimulated on your journey. Sitting on a beach for a couple hours is great and then … you get bored. “What’s next” you might ask. As an Air sign, you would do well to take your honeymoon in Europe. So much to see, so much to learn and romantic everywhere you go, especially if you opt for the Italian or French countryside, or the obvious choice: Paris. These cultures really know how to do it right when it comes to amour.

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